The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the companies Basler AG and MSTVision GmbH have started their cooperation in the project “Hybrid Image Processing on FPGAs”. The project is funded by the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
The aim of the project is to combine approaches from the field of machine learning with classical image processing methods in such a smart way that the advantages of machine learning methods are also available when short latency times (< 5ms) and high bandwidths (> 2.4GByte/s) are required. This will provide the flexibility and performance of machine learning methods mainly to high-speed sorting but also to surface inspection applications.
The project partners form a strong team: The KIT contributes its extensive experience especially in the field of automatic visual inspection and image processing to the project. The solution will be implemented using Basler’s innovative and real-time capable software and hardware platform in combination with the high-speed sorting technology developed by MSTVision.
We are currently looking for further applications to evaluate these approaches under real conditions. If you are interested, please contact us!