Before becoming an entrepreneur, Michael Stelzl worked as a freelance engineer for more than ten years and was employed as a project manager at Schott AG. He has been working in the industrial environment for a good 30 years – both nationally and internationally. His areas of responsibility were and are diverse: the development of efficient image processing solutions (e.g. solar), the procurement and commissioning of capital-intensive inspection systems (e.g. display glass) or the procurement and in-house construction of the entire measurement technology for a semiconductor project.
In 2014, he also took on a teaching position for ‘Optotechnology and Image Processing’ at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. He has also been a member of the VDI/VDE-GMA technical committee ‘Image processing in measurement and automation technology’ since 2013.
Michael Stelzl originally studied physical engineering (Dipl.-Ing (FH)) and also completed an MBA.